Thursday, February 27, 2020

Consumer society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Consumer society - Essay Example Moreover, it is a society that is consecrated with consumption of goods regardless of the costs and categories. Goods preferred by this society range from goods that are essential for proper health to those that bring about environmental sustainability (Baudrillad, 2). However, this society is the most vulnerable to the changing renewal of technology. Due to the dynamic nature of the market conditions, wants and preferences oblige the society members to dump their old equipment and embrace new developments. This move is aimed at attainment of a desired measure of comfort recognized by the world today. The business world is composed of two groups of people. Firstly, the group of buyers that constitutes the consumers. Consumers are the ones who formulate a consumer society that is mandated to protect them from exploitation by sellers. The second group is that of sellers. This group is constituted by a large variety of individuals ranging from companies that produce the goods to the wholesalers who act as intermediates then to the retailers – responsible for the final deliver of goods to the consumers (Baudrillad, 5). In the business world the two groups involved are susceptible to exploitation. Consumers can be exploited by sellers in various ways which include: unfair pricing of goods and services, hooding of goods and services, provision of poor quality goods at exaggerated prices and unrealistic weights and measures. On the other hand, sellers are also susceptible to exploitation by the buyer through oppression of their rights by consumer societies. Therefore, for harmony in business, the societies which are meant to protect the two groups and working contradictorily should be established. Consumer society encourages consumption of goods and services and the economic health of the society which is dependent on the population’s spending habits. In contrast to other societies such as the feudal or peasant-based societies, consumer

Monday, February 10, 2020

American history Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American history - Assignment Example He went ahead and even compromised in order for the deadlocks to be broken (Cassara 112). Under the Articles of confederation the taxes were levied by the state legislators in order to regulate the trend that had been adapted by England after they enacted their laws in 1764. These trends had made it difficult for trade to be conducted as some colonialists were infuriated by the disorganization of the laws that had been established to levy taxes without any form of consent. The people eventually were reluctant to pay taxes (Senzell 20). Slavery in Massachusetts was emancipated in 1783. This was after a number of cases that resulted in the agreements by many that the action was not acceptable to God and it was a form of violation to Him. There was a delay by five years in the approval of the Article of Confederation because during this period the United States was not in good terms with Britain. The main conflicts between the two countries were based mainly foreign affairs and the economy of the ruling government. In addition to that there was war between Indians and French in some of the colonies the British had interest in. The British had resistance in tax payment claiming that they wanted equal representation in the English Parliament. This took a while before an agreement was reached. The three main areas of concern of the confederation government included the foreign affairs, the economy of the federal government and taxation. This is evident as there were enough wrangles especially amongst the British and the state legislatures. The common feature of the constitution in all states after the declaration of the independence include the fact none of this states had no ability to coin money and both the federal government and states could form post facto and or bill of attainder. The states that have language of equality in their constitutions include New Jersey and Florida.