Sunday, December 29, 2019

Increased Amounts of Education for Those Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1098 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/04/05 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Child Abuse Essay Did you like this example? This article is focusing on the problems nurses face when attempting to report knowing if a child is being abuse and neglected and the reason and what barriers nurses face with. This paper will include information that was covered in the article, explain how the research was conducted, and provide ways to improve in this area when becoming a nurse and being faced with the same issues. It will also have suggestions and ideas on how future research may be implemented into nursing education. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Increased Amounts of Education for Those Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect" essay for you Create order Finally, the authors interpretation on whether or not the extra education is going to improve the outcome of missed child abuse and neglect cases. Key Points The purpose of this study was to understand why so many children that are being abused and the reporting of child abuse and neglect are not being done. According to Piltz, child abuse is any abusive act that causes physical harm to a child and neglect is the adults failure to provide adequate care of the child. This study was done to figure out what and why there are so many suspected cases of child abuse and neglect that go unreported. The way they did their research on this was by the use of surveys. The surveys were given to staff in several different countries and that information was used to compile the evidence found. Nurses are required to report any suspected cases of abuse or neglect, but many cases are missed due to lack of education regarding signs and symptoms to look for. Their research shows that nurses that are afraid of retaliation or if they had no physical evidence they tended to not report anything. Analysis of Research The two methods used to for researching a medical analysis, they are qualitive and quantitive methods. In quantitive research there are two variables, the first one is a group of people who receive the intervention and the second is the group that does not receive the intervention (control group). In qualitative research it is based more on subjective information. It is gathered through interviews or direct observation and is a lived experience by the patient, (Knecht, 2017). The research conducted for the barriers that inhibit nurses reporting suspected cases of child abuse and neglect used both the qualitative and quantative method. It used questionnaires and interviews to find out why nurses seemed to fail reporting suspected cases of child abuse. Information was gathered from the nurses point of view and they gave the reasons why they tended to hesitate making allegations of child abuse and neglect. Some of the studies done were looking at identify variables that affected nurses reporting, understanding the nurses knowledge on abuse and how they react, and knowing if nurses understand signs and symptoms of abuse. The areas that nurses were filling out questionaries indicating and whether or not the reason why they either made their report on child abuse or they avoided reporting abuse. This research was conducted on many different countries, with each one focusing on what barriers nurses need to overcome, so that future teaching could cover the education needed to fulfill a nurses responsibility to report. The countries that were involved in this study were; United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, Finland, Sweden, Taiwan, and Canada. Some of the reason for failure to report were: nurses had a previous bad experience when reporting abuse, not enough training, and not being sure what signs or symptoms are involved in emotional abuse (a form of child abuse). The research conclusion shows that it was successful. Further education and training can be given to help nurses know what signs and symptoms to look for. All nurses are responsible for reporting suspected child abuse and neglect. This will be a great change because there are many times that a child slips through the cracks because someone missed a sign or symptom of abuse. Evaluations Recommendations The techniques used in this article provided insight as to what influenced a nurses reason for reporting abuse. The research used went over many questionnaires. The Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing handed out surveys to medical facilities in order to find what barriers there were for the nurses that have to report child abuse and neglect. The research they implemented goes over some of the findings regarding the issues with reporting child abuse or neglect. It shows that the issue of children slipping through the cracks are largely due to nurses not educated in signs of abuse and neglect. According to the article Barriers that inhibit nurses reporting suspected cases of child abuse and neglect, they did a study that included different countries such as; the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, Finland, Sweden, Taiwan, and Canada. They used questionnaires to collect the data needed for this research and came up with a conclusion of how to address the issues t hey had found. This paper will go over these problems they found within their study. Implementation The results show that by implementing interventions such as advanced education, can greatly improve reporting outcomes they need to find a way to implement them into nursing practices. Increasing training on abuse and making it a requirement for all undergraduate and post-graduate nurses and for those in the medical field already would need to go through continued education, this would be the best intervention possible. All nurses would need to know the different signs to look for in an abused child. Nurses dont seem to have trouble with the physical signs that are seen, they have more trouble identifying the signs that are not readily seen. Professional Response The authors of this article believe that by introducing mandatory education children will be protected. The researchers used a questionnaire and interview technique, checking for variables and comparing them with the rest. The article has good points about how to help reduce the barriers of reporting child abuse. The authors inform us that many times there are missed abuse or neglect are overlooked, for those that are have mandatory reporting. The interventions would be implemented throughout the teaching process and adding in continued additional teaching for those already in the medical field. The research shows that more education would be key in preventing roadblocks to reporting child abuse. The additional education and supplemental information would reduce some of the barriers involved in reporting child abuse and neglect. Abuse and neglect are a huge concern for those that are not able to speak for themselves and it is paramount to do the extra education to get over the hurdl e and protect the children.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Transitioning From Childhood Adulthood Is A Juggling Act

The College Struggle Transitioning from childhood to adulthood is a juggling act. This statement is especially true for any young adult that is also attending college during this time. Every single student feels the pressure of grades and the inherent self-induced pressure. Most students feel pressure from their parents or peers while experiencing pressures from the economy like having a job. And some may even feel their sports team or club is adding to their stress as well. These pressures weigh in everyday, simultaneously in these student’s lives. The most obvious stressor that comes with the life of a college student are their grades. Since students are transitioning from living at home to living on their own, they don’t have anyone to remind them to do their homework or check their grades. This is significant to students for many reasons. As Zinsser said â€Å"The transcript has become a sacred document, the passport to security.†(450). Nowadays there are rigorous graduate programs that run a tight ship making sure only the best of the best get in. â€Å"A is for Admirable and B is for Borderline...†(Zinsser 450). Plus, students on scholarships must maintain a certain GPA to keep them. Not only do some fret over scholarships and graduate programs, but they also need to make excellent grades to stay on their sports team. In addition to grades, college students are experiencing the wrath of the economy. For the most part students only receive minimum wage for the long hard

Friday, December 13, 2019

Life, Death, and Essay Topics for International Trade

Life, Death, and Essay Topics for International Trade Essay Topics for International Trade - Is it a Scam? Both types of studies offer a thorough study examining objects like the industry, consumers, and competitors. Local advertising and marketing research doesn't incorporate these questions. A distinctive characteristic of worldwide promotion is a complete and crystal clear orientation on foreign consumers, the desire to meet their requirements and requirements. Before students are requested to make an argumentative dialogue in a little group, they have had the chance to talk about argumentative strategies with their classmates. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Essay Topics for International Trade Political hazard is the type of hazard that are faced by administrations when they aim to put into the industry. You're able to speak about and highlight many such benefits of worldwide cooperation. It is possible to also write about the disadvantages of world wide trade, which influence the global relations to an extent. All the administrations are facing hazard in 1 signifier or another. The Argument About Essay Topics for International Trade The absolute most famed manufacturer of motorcycles on earth holds the very first place in conditions of branded tattoos for over a dozen years. All of it began with the simple fact that Harley announced impressive discounts on bikes for those who come to get a motorcycle with a tattoo in the shape of its logo. At least not to make customers wait for extended time if there is an issue. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Essay Topics for International Trade There are quite a lot of chances for characters to modify the course of the entire play for international trade essay topics better but they don't. If you're in the situation in which you feel you can't cope with academic writing on international small business research paper topics, the easiest way out for you is to make an applicat ion for support. Ask a creative writer to spell out the way the avalanche happened in under 10 words, and he'll offer you a cold stare. Each provider determines the topics and range of marketing research according to its capabilities and requires in marketing information, therefore the kinds of marketing research conducted by several companies can differ. The absolute most important job of strategic management is to set up and keep up a dynamic interaction of the organization with its environment, designed to provide it using a competitive advantage, which is accomplished by supplying a product to the client. For several organizations, based on what goals they pursue and what strategy they implement, marketing is an important feature to make sure their successful operation. Consequently, marketing becomes something more than merely an individual purpose of management. Choosing Essay Topics for International Trade Examine the potency of the strategies each dialogue uses. In economics, we have to use terms a bit more carefully than they are from time to time utilized in ordinary discussions. The term `globalization' became highly popular over the past few decades. Globalization within this sense is great for organisation since they may capitalise on cheaper labour, but bad for US citizens particularly if they're lowly skilled. Get the Scoop on Essay Topics for International Trade Before You're Too Late Companies invest in various portfolio to minimise the fiscal hazard connected with the investing. Supply also involves willingness to sell. Need without purchasing power isn't going to create effective demand in the market. The Fundamentals of Essay Topics for International Trade Revealed Mercantilism projected that a rustic ought to attempt to export over it imports, in order to get gold. As soon as an administration makes the decision to come in into a foreign market, it's really of import for the enterprise to stick to a scheme to come in int o the market. The first couple of months are really of import to achieve the ends and aim of the business. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Essay Topics for International Trade The lesions do not induce scarring. The rash may last from quite a few days to a number of decades, and it could recur. Besides international trade problems, trade among the states became an important issue. When a challenge is defined, it's possible to formulate the research issue. The term demand denotes the willingness and ability of people to obtain the good or service on the market. For example, you could start with the term storm. You can produce your application stick out by mentioning someone unique. In the recent times, many nations share cultural, economic, military and strategic relationship that's of excellent importance. Social culture of the nation also needs to be a subject of global advertising research. Inside this, common sense is completely perfect. Globalization addres ses the collective interests of people from several nations or parts of the planet. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Essay Topics for International Trade Is Wrong If you collect some data related to the topic, that is fine, and should you do some original research that's even better (though it's not required). The infant might need a pacemaker. The analysis is carried out to develop if you need to acquire more info on the matter and more clearly formulate hypotheses. The procedure for marketing research covers lots of steps, including identifying an issue, creating a plan of analysis, data collection and interpretation, presenting information in the shape of an official report. One of the biggest tobacco businesses, R. J. Reynolds International, was able to make a particular Russian image. What's International Trade. Global trade, in a sizable way impacts the GDP of the country and also features an effect on the social and political issues of a nation. In the rec ent decades, there's been a significant increase in International trade. The Essay Topics for International Trade Cover Up From national to international advertising Development of international financial relations, primarily on the grounds of the global division of labor, is the characteristic process in the modern global community. In the event the Manufacturing house is a huge administration so that it can stick to any scheme as long it's cost effectual. Marketing is increasingly employed all areas of business activity of the organization. But a lot of these workers are still living in poverty although they've paid jobs. Mostly all rates are invariant and there aren't any economies of scale. Another country may have many factories to produce cars but very little farmland to cultivate food. For instance, a country with a lot of farmland might have lots of food, but nevertheless, it might have no factories to produce cars.